
Saving and downloading

Mannequin makes it easy to use your analyses in your projects. You can save analyses to review or edit them later and you can download the plots you create as images to include in documents or presentations. Furthermore, you can download the generated 3D manikins as STL-files for further use in computer-aided design software.

Downloading the personas and groups table

  1. Click the download button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the "Data Table"-tab.
  3. Click the download button to download the table in csv-format.

Downloading a scatter plot

  1. Click the download button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the "Chart"-tab.
  3. Select the type of image to download.
  4. Enter width and height values for the image. Note: adjusting the width and height will affect the scale of the chart in SVG images, for PNG images scale is fixed.
  5. Click the download button.
  6. Depending on your browser, the graph image will download or you may need to manually save the image using your browser's save or save as command.

Downloading the 3D manikins

  1. Click the download button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the "3D Model"-tab.
  3. Click the download button to download a zip-file containing all manikins as STL-files.

Saving your analysis

To save a single analysis on your current computer:

  1. Mannequin will automatically save your analysis whenever you close or leave the page. Note: your analysis will not be saved if your are using your browser's 'Private browsing' mode.

To save one or multiple analyses that you may access by logging in:

  1. Click the analysis button in the toolbar.
  2. If you have not already done so, or if you want to change the name, choose a name for your analysis. Click the "..." button and then click "Rename".
  3. Click the save button.

Viewing a saved analysis

  1. Click the analysis button in the toolbar.
  2. Select any analysis in the list to load it.

Reverting an analysis to an older version

An analysis manually saved in your account may be reverted to the last manually saved version.

  1. Click the analysis button in the toolbar.
  2. Look at the last saved date to see when the document was last saved manually.
  3. Click the revert to last saved button to revert it to this version.